That first lovely post was written not long after we received the news that we were expecting our second child, AND after we just announced that we were moving (yet again) out of state. There was much hope, much joy, and much anticipation all wrapped up into those couple of sentences.
Then came the sickness. Oh my goodness. I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me. I don't want to be "that pregnant lady who thinks her's is so bad", but since my last post, this pregnancy has made living life hard. I have battled fatigue, extreme food aversion, and nausea in a way that I imagine some of my friends have but I never took the time to notice because my previous pregnancy was so blissfully easy. My husband took over most of the cooking, cleaning, tending, and I stayed on the couch, reading to my little, watching HOURS of PBS kids, and waiting for that second trimester time of "feeling better".
That time has mostly come. I still have days, and my stamina is completely shot. The goal now is to start walking daily to bring my energy back up and to have a healthy "rest of" my pregnancy.
All those things to say, I had a rough start but I'm here. I'm planning on giving this blog a shot. And I haven't forgotten. Now, by the gentle prodding of my friend Michelle, I am beginning.
I can't wait to read more! Love ya!